Master di traduzione in economia e finanza
si propone di fornire ai traduttori e interpreti le competenze richieste al linguista dal mondo del lavoro…
Our Online Higher Education Master’s in Technical Translation for Translators and Interpreters in Economics and Finance is designed to equip translators and interpreters with the skills they need to thrive in their career.
Even though in-depth linguistic knowledge is fundamental in becoming a language service professional, often it is not enough to guarantee correct understanding of the source texts (whether written or oral).
The aim of the Master’s is to equip students with the appropriate economic, legal and financial skills in order to fully understand the most common domain-specific documents that are required to be translated or interpreted, whether by law or for other reasons (e.g. financial statements, press releases, deeds relating to extraordinary transactions, transfer pricing, business negotiations, drafting of contacts, etc.).
Currently, all teaching is carried out online/remotely.
For this reason, the next in-person Master’s in Economics and Finance is suspended until further notice. Physical classroom teaching will be reinstated as soon as it is safe to do so, while respecting the guidelines and regulations of local and national health authorities.
Il Master
Our Master’s in Economics and Finance increases career opportunities for translators and interpreters.
The growth of business activities outside of national borders, the spread of real-time communication, capital flows and business transactions in general have assumed an international profile. As a result of this phenomenon, defined as the “globalization” of companies’ economic interests, the beneficiaries of economic and financial information are increasingly found outside the borders of the country the information originated from. English is the international language of business, hence the enormous quantity of economic and financial documents that require translation from and into English, an amount that is constantly growing.
Why specialize with a Master’s
Taking part in a translation Master’s in Economics and Finance is the best opportunity for obtaining advanced specialization, an essential credential needed both to enter the sector and to stand out from the strong competition. Credits obtained are recognized by the professional associations AITI and ANITI and represent an important reference for the market. During the Master’s, practical exercises are carried out teaching the use of the most recent assisted translation technologies: automatic identification and management of terminology, advanced use of word processors and spreadsheet programs for the set-up of complex texts such as financial statements. Finally, training includes the teaching and use of CAT tools (SDL Trados).
Vantaggi per i traduttori
The translation of financial statements is a legal requirement for multinational companies. Since 2005, the International Accounting Standards (IAS) must be applied in Italy, creating a small revolution for companies, accountants, auditors, etc. There is an extremely high demand for translations in this area, especially from and into English, which is expected to keep growing.
This translation obligation is also valid for transfer pricing documents.
In general, there is a great number of economic and financial documents which must be translated by law or are translated for other reasons; one must only consider the amount of documentation relating to securities, stock exchanges, contracts, etc.
The translation of these texts requires an understanding of the subject and terminological precision often only typical of economics graduates, who, however, are rarely available and even when they are, do not know the translation techniques and stylistics norms and practices required.
For these reasons, professionals with linguistic and economic expertise are very few compared to the demand and are highly sought after by language service providers and companies in general. It should also be noted by those wishing to specialize in software localization that all administrative software and accounting programs require a high level of knowledge in terms of financial reporting content and terminology.
Vantaggi per gli interpreti
Negotiations for which interpreters are called often deal with economic matters, just think of the contracts or budget analyses of multinationals. The number of conferences on economic and financial issues is constantly increasing. The high demand for professionals able to prove their preparation in economics and finance is therefore obvious. For an update on everything relevant to the application of IAS in Italy, please visit the website
Structure and teaching staff
Theory lessons are held by university lecturers with excellent linguistic skills, using English and Italian material that is distributed to participants and is useful for the creation of glossaries and models unavailable on the market. Translation lessons are held by a teacher with a British degree in economics obtained in London and an Italian degree in economics, who will guide the students in translation exercises and glossary creation. The translation teacher is also author of the new edition of the Garzanti Business English Dictionary (in particular, the updating of financial statements, accounting and IAS/IFRS terminology) and is working on a new specialist dictionary to be published by the same Garzanti. He is also the author of the online Triple A Dictionary (Accounting, Auditing, Administration).
IT lessons will teach students the professional use of PCs required from professional translators, as well as professional CAT tools, automatic identification, terminology management and glossary creation.

The Master’s consists of 27 theory modules focusing on economic and financial topics and accompanied by a video presentation (amounting to a total of 18 hours) or guided by a slide deck, as well as 4 technical exercises. The theory lessons are followed by short multiple-choice tests in order to verify correct understanding of the material discussed. In order to pass, you must answer all the questions correctly. You can attempt each question up to 3 times in a 24-hour time frame.
The Master’s also includes 6 translation exercises, to be carried out after studying a specific glossary accompanied by a video presentation (totalling 2 hours). The translation exercises consist in translation from English into Italian of excerpts relating to the topics discussed. For this reason, knowledge of English is a prerequisite for attending the Master’s.
Once you upload your exercise, the platform will allow you to download the correct Italian translation of the entire source document, enabling students to learn the most common and effective translation solutions and terminology used in the context of documents that are regularly requested for translation by the market. If you have questions relating to the translations, you can send an e-mail to As soon as it is possible, you will receive an invitation to join a video conference with the teachers who will be able to answer your questions.
Lastly, the Master’s includes tutoring on the use of computer-assisted translation software (CAT tools), of a total approximately 2.5 hours, focusing on SDL Trados Studio, a standard sector software suite and one of the most commonly used in the world.
After a brief introduction into the theory behind CAT tools in general, the main features of SDL Trados Studio will be explained, followed by a practical exercise in the economic and finance sector.
This module moreover contains 3 tutorials focusing on the macrotopics of Translation and Revision, Project Management and Translation Memory Management, and 5 video tutorials, available in different languages, designed to support users in learning how to best use the software. This training is rounded off with 7 videos, four dedicated to SDL Trados Studio and three to the termbase management tool SDL Multiterm, which provide general guidelines and processes to get familiar with the software suites, by analysing their main features and aspects.
The content of the Master’s can be accessed 24/7 and is available for 3 months beginning from the activation date.
At the end of this period, your account will be deactivated and you will no longer be able to access the content.
Master’s programme
- Module 01 – Introduction – Course programme – Theory
- Course on Computer-Assisted Translation – SDL Trados
- Module 02 – Definition of a company – Shareholders – Double-entry Bookkeeping
- Module 03 – Accounting equation – Income statement – Balance sheet
- Glossary 01 – Financial statements
- Module 03a – Reporting formats – Translation
- Module 04 – Financial indicators
- Module 04a – Financial indicators – Exercise
- Module 05 – Reclassification
- Module 05a – Cash flow statement
- Module 05b – Social security contributions – Exercise
- Module 06 – Types of companies
- Module 06a – Partnerships
- Module 06b – Limited Liability Companies (Società a responsabilità limitata)
- Module 06c – Joint-Stock Companies (Società per azioni)
- Glossary 02 – Articles of Association/Bylaws
- Module 06d – Articles of Association/Bylaws – Translation
- Module 06e – Governance
- Glossary 03 – Reports
- Module 06f – Reports – Translation
- Glossary 04 – Press releases
- Module 06g – Press releases and financial reports – Translation
- Module 07 – Company valuations
- Module 08 – Extraordinary transactions
- Module 09 – Sale of companies
- Module 10 – Contributions
- Module 11 – Mergers
- Module 12 – Leveraged Buy Out Mergers and Demergers
- Module 13 – Conversion
- Module 14 – Winding up
- Module 15 – Lease of companies
- Glossary 05 – Mergers & Acquisitions
- Module 15a – Merger deed – Translation
- Module 16 – Company distress – Procedures
- Glossary 06 – Company distress
- Module 17 – Financial planning – Exercise
- Module 18 – Company income
- Module 18a – Company income – Exercise
- Module 19 – Value-Added Tax
- Module 20 – Tax Residency
- Module 21 – Taxation of Dividends
- Module 22 – Transfer Pricing
- Glossary 07 – Tax Glossary
- Module 22a – Transfer Pricing – Translation
- Module 23 – Taxation principles
- Module 24 – Markets, shares and bonds
Attendance certificate
At the end of the Master’s, you will be issued a certificate stating that you attended the course, sent to your e-mail address. If you choose to sit the final examination at CTI, please follow the instructions below.
Final examination
At the end of the Master’s, you will be able to sit a final examination for a fee of €300.00 + VAT 22%. If you pass this examination, you will be able to register with the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses as an expert, thereby granting you authorisation to carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan. The examination consists of a written translation test from English into Italian of approximately 6,600 words.
Students who pass the written examination will be admitted to the oral examination, which will be held online.
At the end of the Master’s, deserving students meeting legal requirements will be offered the chance of a 160 hour (4 week) internship with a language service provider or other company operating in the economic-financial sector.
Advantages for participants
AITI and ANITI learning credits
Completion of any CTI Master’s is recognised in the form of learning credits by AITI and ANITI. ANITI recognises all our courses, whether in-person, remote or pre-recorded, and AITI recognises out in-person and remote live-attendance courses.
Special section on the CTI website for the best students
In order to provide immediate visibility to the best students, the names of those with a final grade between 95 and 100 will be published on the CTI website.
Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses
A pass grade in the final examination of the Online Higher Education Master’s in Technical Translation for Translators and Interpreters in Economics and Finance will enable you to register with the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses – Foreign Language Category
RWS Discount – Trados and RWS training resources
Thanks to a special agreement with RWS, all of our students can buy RWS software (Trados) with a special exclusive discount.

To request information or to enrol, please fill out the form or send an email to:
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 09:00-13:00 • 14:00-18:00
(+39) 026691338
Fees and payment methods
Click on the hyperlink to find the application form and the various payment options.
Once your payment has been processed, our Masters’ Office will create a personal account for the platform, using the e-mail address you provided during the application as your username. An invitation e-mail will be sent to the same address to activate the account: by clicking on the activation link, a new page will be opened and you will be asked to create a password. These access credentials are personal and therefore cannot be shared with others.
More information and free trial lesson
For more information about our training facilities and the programme, you can access a free trial of the lectures at
The access credentials are the following:
password: guest2021
Registered students will be able to download as PDF files the slide deck of all the lectures by opening the “Bookshelf” section on the pop-up menu at the bottom of the screen. To open it, click on the blue arrow.
The platform itself contains a detailed instruction manual.
Il Nostro Team

Alessandro Ceriani
Dottore Commercialista e Revisore Contabile
Alessandro Ceriani è nato nel 1972 a Milano ed è Dottore Commercialista e Revisore Contabile con una esperienza di 20 anni nel settore amministrazione e finanza.
Dopo una lunga esperienza in una big four della revisione contabile si è dedicato all’attività professionale con un focus anche sulle operazioni straordinarie e di risanamento. A livello professionale è presente in diversi organi di controllo e di gestione di società di medie dimensioni e quotate.

Fabrizio Hugony
Dottore Commercialista
In precedenza dipendente presso una big four e collaboratore con altri studi professionali da circa quindici anni opera per lo Studio Rock.
Dottore Commercialista, svolge la sua attività professionale prevalentemente nell’ambito marketing e internazionale.
Fabrizio è membro di diversi Collegi Sindacali di società di grande e media dimensione, oltre che di Gruppi, anche internazionali.

Vito Di Pede
Dottore Commercialista e Revisore Contabile
Vito Di Pede collabora con Studio Rock da giugno 2008.
Dottore Commercialista e Revisore Contabile, svolge la sua attività professionale prevalentemente nell’ambito della consulenza fiscale in materia di imposte dirette e indirette a primari gruppi italiani ed esteri.
È membro del Collegio Sindacale di società operanti in diversi settori nonché revisore di società operanti nel settore dell’energy.
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