Courses for Translators and Interpreters
CTI – Communication Trend Italia has been operative in the training market since the 1990s. Our offer includes language courses for companies, associations, institutions and individuals, masters’ and workshops for translators and interpreters and workshops.
Our training activities
CTI – Communication Trend Italia Masters’ offer translators and interpreters advanced preparation in various sectors. Participants, even those coming from different European countries, have highlighted the success of this unique opportunity in the field of training.
Alongside our in-person Masters’, we have introduced online Masters’, which allow students who cannot participate in physical classroom learning in Milan to study in their free time and at their own pace.
The Masters’ are aimed at providing translators and interpreters the skills they need to thrive in the professional world. Even though in-depth linguistic knowledge is fundamental in order to become a language service professional, often it is not enough to guarantee correct understanding of source texts.
We currently offer Masters’ in:
Our in-person Masters’ are currently suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Physical classroom courses will begin as soon as circumstances permit so.
Translators and Interpreters
Advantages of the online Masters’ for translators and interpreters
Our online Masters’ for translators and interpreters offer you the advantages of attending a training programme remotely, such as:
- Flexible schedule: enables you to reconcile the course with other responsibilities, such as a job, and allows you to independently choose when to study: mornings, evenings or at night. In order to encourage a certain degree of self-discipline among participants, we require the Economics and Finance Master’s to be completed in two months and the Medicine and Pharmacology Master’s to be completed in four months.
- Rhythm: as with in-person courses, online courses require you to respect certain deadlines, pass multiple-choice tests between learning units and, if you wish to sit it, pass the final exam, but you can organise your learning pathway according to your needs and adjust to your own pace.
- Comfort and cost efficiency: there’s no place like home, where you will be able to choose a suitable space to study, take a break to make a phone call or have a snack, coordinate other workloads and… save time and money on travel.
Both the in-person and online Masters’ offer the following advantages:
- advanced techniques aimed at improving the quality of your translations/interpreting and increasing your speed
- broadening of technical and terminological skills
- acquisition of a specialisation, which is essential for accessing the world of work
- learning credits recognised by ANITI and in the case of in-person Masters’ or the live/remote attendance Legal Translation Master’s, passing the final exam grants you the right to apply to join the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses for English without the need to sit further examinations, if you meet the other requirements (at least 25 years of age and professional probity). Members of the Association are able to carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan, which since 2015 has been reserved only to authorised experts.
Why do translators and interpreters need a specialisation course?
Admission requirements
Excellent and certified knowledge of English. A Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature or Diploma in Translation and Interpreting demonstrate knowledge of the English language.
In order to enter the labour market, professional translators are also required to have in-depth knowledge of one or more technical, scientific, or economic-legal fields. This consists in the ability to analyse a text and translate it in such a way that it seems born in the target language, and in absolutely avoiding any terminological mistakes, or even misunderstandings of the source document. Moreover, attention must be given to the fact that the translation of technical, scientific and legal texts requires a completely different linguistic approach compared to the translation of literature.
Career opportunities
The areas of specialization offered by CTI make up the greatest percentage of pages to translate on the market. The choice is simply a question of personal taste. Specialization is crucial even if the sector chosen may at first seem distant from your individual nature and knowledge.
At the end of the Masters’, deserving participants meeting legal requirements will be offered the chance of a 160-hour (4 week) internship with a language service provider or other company.
English as the training language
All our Masters’ use English as the course language since it is the language chosen by the international scientific community and is used in approximately 80% of translations. Furthermore, a constantly increasing number of terms remain in English in texts written and translated in other languages. For translators, recognizing, identifying and inserting these terms in the text correctly is, from a linguistic standpoint, a top priority. One of the aims of the Masters’ is to provide knowledge that may be applied to all working languages used by the single professional.
Completion of all of our Masters’, whether in-person, remote or pre-recorded, is recognised in the form of learning credits by ANITI, and the in-person and remote Masters’ as such by AITI.
Our courses have also been endorsed by:

ANITI for the current online editions and for the 14th Edition of the Master’s in Legal Translation with remote live attendance

AITI for the 14th Edition of the Master’s in Legal Translation with remote live attendance.

Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses
Successfully passing the final exam grants you the right to apply to join the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses for English without the need to sit further examinations, if you meet the other requirements (at least 25 years of age and professional probity).
For other languages, you will only have to pass a language test, but not the technical expertise examination, unless the selection committee can conclude that you already have the necessary professional expertise.
Members of the Association are able to carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan, which since 2015 has been reserved only to authorised experts.
Advantages for students who sit the final examination
Special section on the CTI website for the best students
In order to provide immediate visibility to students who sit the examination, the names of those with a final grade between 95 and 100 will be published on the CTI website.
Sworn translator registered with the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses
After passing the final exam, you will be able to apply to join the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses for English without the need to sit further examinations, as long as you meet the other requirements (at least 25 years of age and professional probity).
For other languages apart from English, admission will be subject to the exclusive decision of the selection committee. Members of the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses are able to carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan, which since 2015 has been reserved only to authorised experts.
Trados Academic Partner Program
We adhere to the program SDL University Program – Worldwide University Course Listing.

SDL University Program
Abbiamo aderito al programma SDL University Program – Worldwide University Course Listing.

Students enrolled in our training initiatives may purchase RWS software at special prices and conditions.
Frequently asked questions – FAQ
Target audience
Both Masters’ are aimed at graduates of Language degrees, to translators and interpreters who have just begun their professional career, as well as at more experienced professionals who wish to acquire a specialisation or perfect their skills in a specific sector.
In order to apply for the Master’s, are there any further requirements apart from knowledge of English?
No. The only entrance requirement for the Master’s is the knowledge of English, which is the language in which the trainings are held. No prior experience in the specific topics is required.
Why is English the training language?
Because English is the most widely used language in the business world and by the international scientific community and accounts for around 80% of translations. Because more and more terms are loaned from English in texts written or translated in other languages. All technical knowledge acquired in English can be easily transposed to other languages, thereby broadening your employment possibilities.
Are there any application deadlines?
No. È possibile iscriversi in qualsiasi momento, in quanto si tratta di videolezioni preregistrate (quindi non in modalità live). Entro il giorno successivo alla ricezione del pagamento, la Segreteria Master procederà alla creazione dell’account personale sulla piattaforma, impostando come username l’indirizzo e-mail indicato in sede di iscrizione. A tale indirizzo sarà quindi inviato un messaggio e-mail di invito per l’attivazione dell’account: tramite link di attivazione si aprirà una pagina nella quale si richiederà di impostare la propria password. Le credenziali di accesso alla piattaforma sono personali, riservate e non cedibili a terzi.
È previsto un tempo massimo per lo svolgimento del master?
Durante il periodo di svolgimento del master sarà possibile effettuare il download del materiale a disposizione. Trascorso tale periodo, l’account verrà disabilitato e i contenuti non saranno più accessibili.
Do I have to pay fee for the final examination when initially applying for the course?
No. You can decide to sit the examination at another time and therefore also pay the examination fee at a later point.
Regardless of your decision, you will receive an attendance certificate at the end of the Master’s.
How is the final written examination structured?
The written examination (essay) consists of a translation from English into Italian of approximately 6,600 words (source text), which must be completed and handed in to the Masters’ Office within 4 weeks from the start date, whereby it is not necessary to connect to the platform in that time frame. Your examination will be assessed by experienced lecturers.
We will inform you of your assessment result as quickly as possible. If you pass the examination, you will be admitted to the oral examination in our Milan Offices, in Via Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 31.
Please note that until further notice the oral examination will be held remotely in accordance with Covid-19 restrictions. The Masters’ Office will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the schedule and methods of the examination periods.
Can I be admitted to the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses even if I do not live in Lombardy?
Yes. As explained on the website of the Association, “admission to the association is subject to fulfilment of certain requirements, including residence, domicile or a statement that you work in the context of the Lombardy region.”
Can members of the Lombardy Association of Expert Witnesses also carry out sworn translations at other courts apart from the Court of Milan?
As of 10 July 2015, only authorised experts may carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan. However, the sworn translation process is not the same throughout Italy. Therefore, it is advisable to check with your relevant court what processes and requirements they set out. It is likely that once you are authorised to carry out sworn translations at the Court of Milan, you will also be able to do so at other courts that have comparable limitations to the Court of Milan. Please let us know which court you would like to inquire about so that we can forward your request to a competent party.